Emotional, Spiritual, Physical
To nurture each Veteran’s emotional and spiritual well being, while helping them develop their lives and coping skills. This focus is designed to directly impact their ability to lead self-sufficient, productive, drug-free lives.
A passion for our Veterans
Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from homeowners to commercial developers.
VSS Inc. mission is to respond to the devastating effects of homelessness on veterans in Illinois by both ensuring a wide array of high-quality support services to homeless veterans and by helping to improve the policies and programs affecting them.
Our vision is to develop a community plan in partnership with our government and business entities, faith-based organizations and nonprofits, to combine resources that will support housing and services to prevent and end homelessness for our veterans.
We are committed to preventing homelessness for our veterans by providing a variety of well-designed and managed services to meet the specific needs of homeless veterans enabling our veterans to experience a smoother transition back into society.
Our Philosophy
To nurture each Veteran’s emotional and spiritual well being, while helping them develop their lives and coping skills. This focus is designed to directly impact their ability to lead self-sufficient, productive, drug-free lives.
Core Values
• Recognizing each human being as a person of immeasurable worth and value.
• Acknowledging that individual growth and development occurs best in settings that address the whole person
• Understanding that providing meaningful work is a significant way to affirm and develop each person’s potential skills and abilities.
• Transforming negative human experiences into positive means for changing lives.
Corporate Purpose
- Day Room.
- Support Group and Education
- Employment Training and Services
- Homeless Mental Health Access Project (HMHAP)
- Supportive Transitional Housing.
- Veteran’s Transitional Housing
“The work done by Veterans Specialty Services have brought me closer to dad.”
Alicia Webb